Lamaze - Saltea activitati Freddie the Firefly Gym (LMZ_LC27170)

Lamaze - Saltea activitati Freddie the Firefly Gym (LMZ_LC27170)

169,56 RON

Lamaze - Saltea activitati Freddie the Firefly Gym (LMZ_LC27170)

169,56 RON
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Lamaze - Saltea activitati Freddie the FireflyCentru de joaca are o multime de caracteristici pe care copilul dumneavoastra le poate explora. Este colorat luminos si are o saltea moale. Salteaua este decorata cu un fluturas in mijloc, o oglinda si alte figurine vesele din poienita care vor atrage atentia celor mici. Arcada se balansanseaza inainte si inapoi pentru a aduce la viata jucariile atasate de ele. Spatiu de joaca tematic include jucarii amuzante si o jucarie de dentitie, usor detasabile, care ii vor face sa zambeasca pe cei mici. Pot fi alese mai multe moduri de joacaVarsta: 0 luni+The Freddie the Firefly Gym is a 3-in-1 activity center that offers three different positions to follow baby’s growth: lay and play, tummy time play and sit and play. A multi-colored cushion wraps gently around baby’s head offering protection and support from birth. As baby grows, the mat is perfect to sit and play. The Freddie the Firefly Gym is loaded with developmental features perfect for your baby at different stages of growth. The flexible arch features colorful toys and textured teethers that help develop motor skills. Each toy is adjustable so they’re always within baby’s reach. The large discovery mirror helps baby learn to focus, track images, and explore the wonderful things a face can do. Your baby can explore stripes, checkers and contrasting patterns, stimulating focus and vision. Textured, crinkly fabrics also encourage auditory and tactile exploration. The Freddie the Firefly Gym is even perfect for on-the-go fun. The soft, padded mat folds flat and the toys detach. The handy arch can be removed so baby can use the mat on its own. The mat is machine washable, and the arch is surface washable. Ideal for babies from birth and up. Box Contains 1 x playgym, including 1pc Play Mat, 1pc Tummy Time Cushion, 1 pc Mirror, 1pc Butterfly plush, 2pc Teether



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